Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Time is Here

As Christmas time surrounds us, I realize there are events and memories I want to share with my kids--that I experienced as a child. I have been blessed to live close enough to my parents, that my children are getting to participate in making those same memories with their grandparents. Some of these memorable events include: making and frosting cookies, making some other project of the year, shopping the day after Thanksgiving, shopping for matching jammies, and so on.

I love that Alexis and Jaxen will get to carry these memories of Christmas w/ their grandparents for as long as live. They will look back fondly and cherish these important times. They will not remember if the cookies burned or broke. They will not remember mommy getting frustrated with starting so many projects. But, they will remember papaw frosting his one cookie, and then one for them to eat. They will remember Grandma making each Christmas special, w/ fresh new jammies. They will remember laughter and love. What more could a mother ask for when it comes to choosing her children's memories?

I can only hope and pray that Alexis and Jaxen will look back fondly on all of their childhood memories, and remember laughter and love. That the mistakes will fade away, and the love I have for them and we have for each other as a family, will come shining through.

As Kyle and I start creating our own "family traditions, " it is hard to differentiate what I want to do as a child of my parents and as a mom of my children. So, I will continue to share the traditions w/ my parents for as long as I am able, and I will duplicate some of these traditions at our own home-- Which means--double sugar cookies!!

I hope you are able to spend Christmas with those who mean the most to you, because it is the people you share Christmas with, that make it so special--not the gift under the tree.

Merry Christmas

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